Ushers are made up of voluntary members of the Parish. Duties include, but are not confined to, the following:
Open the church and turn on the lights.
Hospitality – Greeting congregants as they arrive and leave the Church.
Answer questions parishioners may have.
Assist Parishioners in locating a seat for Mass.
If an Offertory procession will take place, retrieve the chalice, water and wine from the Sacristy and set the gifts on the table at the beginning of Mass. Ushers will identify a family to take the gifts to the priest during the Offertory procession. If no Offertory procession will take place, then ensure that the water and wine are placed near the altar for Consecration.
Prepare the collection envelope and collect the offertory donations, or retrieve the donations from the locked boxes after each Mass if collection baskets are not used.
Set out the weekly bulletins or any other materials that are to be distributed and see they are placed in the boxes near the entrances and in a convenient location inside the Church.
At the conclusion of the Mass, ensure that the front doors are locked after all parishioners have left the church.