The Religious Education Program K-10 is about to begin! If you are new to the area and would like to join our program, please call the Religious Education Office at 860-962-4001, ext.118.
Religious Education (Grades K-10) is available to all children and teens of the parish. Children are prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in the second grade. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is offered to teenagers in Grade 9, receiving the sacrament in Fall of Grade 10. Sacramental preparation for Confirmation takes place through the Religious Education program and may include retreats, service and group activities.
Grades K-1-2
Date/Time: TBD
Theme: TBD
Grade 3
Date/Time: TBD
Theme: TBD
Grade 4-5
Date/Time: TBD
Theme: TBD
Grade 6
Date/Time: TBD
Theme: TBD
Grades 7-8
Date/Time: TBD
Theme: TBD
For any further questions, please contact the Religious Education and Faith Formation Office at 860-962-4001: