Officers to be elected are: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Since we are not able to meet due to COVID-19, we will open the nominations via e-mail.
Parishes are open for the public celebration of daily and weekend Masses. All previously set requirements will still be observed during both weekday and weekend Masses. This includes the wearing of masks while in church and the limitation on singing, which may be done by a cantor but will not include participation by the congregation.
A digital worship aid for use at home and church. Breaking Bread 2021 eMissal app offers a brand new way to participate in the liturgy. With instant access to music, readings and the Order of Mass, parishioners can remain connected to their faith community through song and prayer. Simple and easy to use, Breaking Bread 2021 eMissal is perfect for individuals unable to attend Mass in person and currently participating in livestreamed services and for those able to attend in person but avoiding the use of physical resources. The app has also been approved for use in church by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops during the 2021 liturgical year.
2020 will be remembered as the year that changed so many aspects of our lives. The pandemic really stopped us from our ordinary routines and activities. As a parish, we stopped having public Mass in March and would not resume having people at daily Mass until mid-June.
During the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy in 2015-2016, Pope Francis began a personal initiative of celebrating “Mercy Fridays,” in which he would engage in specific corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Making visits to locations such as public housing projects, a center for Alzheimer’s patients, the newborn section of a hospital, an institute for the blind, and various health care centers, the Holy Father offered a sign of care, support, and mercy to all those he encountered.