St. Jeanne Jugan Parish is looking for new Lectors to join in Proclaiming the Word at Holy Family Church and St. Bernard Church.
Mass Times for Holy Family are Saturdays at 4:00PM and Sundays at 9:00AM and 11:30AM. Mass Times for St. Bernard are Saturdays at 5:15PM and Sundays at 7:30AM and 10:15AM. According to the guidelines of the Church, Lectors must be commissioned by the Pastor, as directed by the Bishop. Candidates must be fully initiated in the Catholic Church (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation), participating in Sunday Mass and the life of the parish, and, if married, married in the Church. Training for this position will be provided by the Parish.
If interested in becoming a Lector, please reach out to June Chagnon at