Every baptized Catholic has received a vocation — a calling — from God. Many are called to the vocation of married and family life. Young men are called to the priesthood and consecrated religious life (a brother or monk, for example). Many young women are also called to the consecrated religious life (a sister or nun, for example). Still others are called to live their life as single people, giving themselves to others through the parish and the community.
There are many outstanding sources for information about vocations to priesthood and religious life. Similarly, many religious orders have Web sites that explain their unique ministries and charisms. If you feel you are called to serve God and His Church through the priesthood or consecrated life, please speak to one of the priests on staff. You may also wish to visit: http://archdioceseofhartford.org/vocations/
Information on the vocation to married life, and help in living it out, can be found here: http://www.foryourmarriage.org.