Pope Francis’ call on all of us to become Missionary Disciples first broached in his 2013 Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel).
The Forward with Faithcampaign strives to build the strong financial foundation necessary to address our future needs and strengthen our parishes, schools, faith formation programs and social service ministries. And, has at its core an emphasis on evangelization, to bring back those Catholics who have fallen away and to inspire non-Catholics to join us in a faith that is enthusiastic and joyful. Through your support, we will create in both our parishes and the archdiocese new programs and initiatives to evangelize to all who wish to find a home in our Catholic Community.
Over the next few months, all of you will be hearing more about the campaign as we seek to invite everyone to participate in this extraordinary effort. Our parish was built on the sacrifices and dedication of those who came before us. Now it is our turn to make an investment in the future of the Catholic Church in our community. May the Holy Spirit guide and direct our efforts as we begin this historic journey together. Please join me in praying for our success throughout the Forward with Faithcampaign.
For more information, please visit: https://forwardwithfaith.hartfordbishopsfoundation.org/