Liturgy The Liturgy Committee, in cooperation with the pastor, recognizes that the environment is a vehicle to meet the Lord and to encounter one another. The art and decoration of the liturgical space enhances the celebration of the liturgy and invites the Christian community to gather to celebrate its faith and vision.
Ministers of Hospitality Ushers and greeters provide the first sign of welcome into the community and foster a sense of community and friendliness.
Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides knitted or crocheted prayer shawls to anyone who would benefit from receiving one. The Shawls are created with prayers as each stitch is made. A similar group functions at Holy Family Church.
Youth Ministry An opportunity for 7th-12th graders and beyond to come together as a parish family, be themselves, have fun and get to know God and understand His role in their life.
Pro-Life Ministry The P.A.L. (Protect All Life) meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30PM in Classroom #5 at Holy Family Church.
Finance Council The finance council is a group of appointed parishioners who work together with the pastor regarding the budget and other financial considerations of the parish. A similar group functions at Holy Family Church.
Altar Society The sanctuary is most important to us as Christian Catholics. It is there that we celebrate the central mystery of our faith during liturgy. The Altar Guild clean and decorate the sanctuary area and the sacristy following the liturgical calendar. A similar group functions at Holy Family Church.
Rosary Guild The purpose of the Guild is to further the spiritual welfare of its members, to help meet the needs of the parish and community, and to encourage and promote a spirit of goodwill and friendship among the members.
Homebound Ministry Our Pastoral Associate visits and assists those parishioners and their families who are sick and/or homebound, as well as those that are in local nursing homes.